Re-thinking Whole Body Listening
Every child presents with an individual set of strengths, differences, difficulties, attention spans, and developmental level. The unique makeup of each child needs to be appreciated and carefully considered before placing performance expectations on any given child.
We need to shift focus on teaching them how to appear engaged and teaching them when they are engaged- and this may mean they are not doing it in a “legs crossed, eyes tracking the speaker, hands still” kind of way.
Are we done with Behaviour Charts?
Are we done with behaviour charts? I hope so!
Let’s move away from a very public system and move more into a respectful and 1:1 situation where you can meet the child where they are at. Let’s move away from external validation and create a space for intrinsic motivation where children feel proud of themselves, and not a sticker on a chart.
The importance of recess and lunch time.
Some classrooms use the threat of not being able to access recess and lunch to gain a desired behaviour instead of understanding why the child isn’t able to participate or meet the expectations in the first place. Some teachers follow through and actually take away their play times and limit their opportunities to interact and to move when it is needed most.
Taking away recess solves no problems, however it creates many unintended consequences.
If a child can’t meet the expectations, we need to understand why. If there is a behaviour of concern, then we should be focusing on why they are displaying these behaviours in the first place.